The Certus Authorized Training Provider program is a whole new way of evaluating training providers. We do a comprehensive evaluation of the training provider’s systems, processes, procedures, infrastructure, staffing, course development, and more to determine if the training provider is competent and has the necessary resources to be a Certus Authorized Training Provider.
Once earning Authorized Training Provider status, the training provider may earn Certus Course Certification (CCC) for each of its courses. Under CCC, we review each course to see if it meet the requirements of ISO 29993, a service standard that specifies a set of minimum requirements for learning services.
The training provider has the flexibility to design and deliver a program that best meets its learners’ needs while still adhering to a rigorous process.
ATP and CCC focus on learners’ needs and learning outcomes and give you a solid framework and valuable feedback to improve your training courses:
- Valor: There are no per student fees and no royalties.
- Validez: CCC se basa en la norma internacional ISO 29993, un estándar de servicio que especifica un conjunto de requisitos mínimos para los servicios de aprendizaje.
- Verificación: Annual course evaluation gives you and your students assurance that your courses remain valid.